A New pmsw project

Piano Music She Wrote continues to grow, and today, the 1st anniversary of the start of our YouTube channel, we announce a new project!!

As you are no doubt aware, the scope of our project so far, is all the piano music found on IMSLP composed by women, which is seemingly an inexhaustible resource from which to choose repertoire, and an ever growing catalogue which is reflected in our regular updates of the PMSW Directory.  Most of the repertoire to be found on IMSLP is by composers of yore, most of whom very little light has shone upon in decades, or in some cases, even centuries. Discovering so many treasures that have been buried for so long has been a very exciting part of PMSW’s mission. 

However, we also have a keen interest in the music of composers working on their art in current and recent times, and this music is rarely found within IMSLP. We have talked for months about finding ways to support and highlight living, breathing, female-identifying composers and how to include recently composed piano music on our YouTube channel. And now, we are ready to launch a new project under the Piano Music She Wrote umbrella:


Our first video release will be on Wednesday, September 1st . Submissions of scores will be accepted on an on-going basis, and must be pieces of no more than four minutes in length, and at no higher than late-intermediate level. We will release our performances of these pieces on our YouTube channel, where we will also feature biographical information and links to where our audience can purchase the scores.

So, dear compositrices, in order to have your music featured in a “Piano Music She Writes” video, please click here to email us and to send us a PDF of your score.

- Sandra


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