Rosa Vergara

Rosa Vergara began her piano studies at age 6 at the Music Institute at the Catholic University of Chile. In 2011 she received the professional title of Superior Interpreter of Piano under the tutelage of Liza Chung. In 2014 she continued her musical training in Germany, at first at the Lübeck School of Music, and later, at the Detmold Hochschule of Music, where she studied piano pedagogy with a major in production of pedagogical concerts. She is a fellow at Stiftung Studienfonds OWL. In 2016 Rosa taught at the Lisa Buendgen School of Music in Cologne.

In November 2016 she returned to Chile with the intention of creating open and integrated spaces for training, meeting and dialogue with music. In 2019 in Santiago, she founded la Fundación Factoría Musical. Factoria Musical offers the following programs: Music and Movement for Early Childhood; Musical appreciation; Instrumental Pedagogy - Piano; Dissemination of Chilean Women's Musical Heritage; Musical Interventions in Health Centers.

As a soloist and member of chamber music groups she has performed at important festivals and venues around Chile, including highlights such as el Teatro Municipal de Santiago, GAM, Teatro del Lago, Teatro Municipal de Castro, Teatro Regional del Maule and the Festival Rosita Renard de Pirque, as well as cultural centers and diverse communities across the country.  She also leads management and research projects in artistic education in important cultural institutions in the country. As a pianist she is dedicated to promoting the works by women composers from Chile and from around the world.


Michal Tal - Israel